Pants feeling tight? Spears Strong's virtual Foundation Program can help

Not only can the Spears Strong Foundation Program help you lose weight, but it’s actually the ideal program for weight loss.

When most people put a plan together to lose weight, it usually centers on doing drastic things over a short period of time. Such as having to get in a certain amount of steps, restricting calories even if you feel like passing out, or holding yourself to doing really tough workouts a couple times a week.

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

If you’re nodding your head to any of the previous statements, has it ever worked?

You’ve been told as you age your resting metabolism slows down naturally. But the truth is, you stop moving over time as your life constraints such as family, work, technology and multimedia keep you in one spot - chair, car seat, or couch - more than any other time of your life.

When you stay in one spot for longer than 45 minutes, your body starts restricting your vascular system and turning off muscles that haven’t been used since you stopped moving. This is how your resting metabolism slows down and you start burning less calories throughout the day. And since your life responsibilities keep you from going for a hike or playing frisbee with your friends in the quad whenever you want, you need to find a different way to schedule movement sessions into your day to not only turn up your resting metabolism but to feel better in the moment.

Rather than trying to turn your fitness up to maximum caloric burn, start with a consistent routine of 20 minutes a day and living the mantra of ‘everything counts’. Taking the stairs, parking a little farther away, doing a couple pushups on the kitchen counter, working in the garden, cleaning the shower, everything counts.

You’ll find by starting slowly and adding in just a little bit of movement on a regular basis, you’ll sleep better, have less stress, be more productive rather than busy all the time, and even desire to eat better. Consistent routines and movements create a domino effect on everything else in your life having a positive impact on your immune system, energy, self-image, and interpersonal relationships.

There’s even a good chance after 6 -9 months on the Foundation Program you will be desiring to do more, and Spears Strong will be in your corner to help you grow at your pace and desire.

The Foundation program is run in a private Facebook group and includes five video classes daily, Monday through Friday, led by our Spears Strong trainers. The movement routines range from 6-ish - 25 minutes and are accessible for all fitness levels.

Why is it called Foundation? Because it is the base level of what we all need to take care of ourselves. This is your “self-care.” If you don’t exercise, the Foundation Program is all you need. If you do exercise (running, cycling, playing tennis, yoga, hiking, cross-fit, etc …) you need this too. It will help you recover from your sport or workout and it will keep you from developing repetitive motion injuries.

Want to join? Read more information here.