Is Personal Training for you?
Feeling like you’re in the worst shape of your life?
Finding it hard to fit fitness into your schedule?
Not sure how someone your age and fitness level puts an actionable plan together to achieve goals?
Have a hard time with accountability?
Have experts in every other area of your life (medical, financial, real estate, business …) but you need one now for your health and fitness?
Tired of failing?
Our individual programming starts with movement routines that makes you feel good. Because we believe if your body feels good it’s easier to strive for long-term, tougher goals. But the truth is … the movement routines you’re doing to feel good is also making you stronger, more well balanced, and resilient.
1. Available daily, feeling good and ready to crush life. 2. A balanced body that is mobile without pain, stronger than life’s daily demands and able to tie your shoes and put the luggage in an overhead compartment pain free and with confidence.
Pre-requisite required: If you’re new, head to our Longstart/Jumpstart page for more information on how to get started with Spears Strong. Process Continuation programs have a perquisite of completing Longstart or Jumpstart.
Personal Training Process (continuation)
How It Works
Keep the momentum you’ve created in your Longstart or Jumpstart program going!
Weekly Personal Training sessions renewing every 5 week cycle. (60 min.)
One Health Coaching session every 5 week cycle to access your past cycles achievements and challenges, adjust your plan to support and make progress on your daily and longterm goals. (60 min.)
Testing every four months
Benchmarks to see your progress.
Designed to test how your body is moving in all directions.
Excitement to challenge yourself three times a year.
All access to our Foundation Program video library
Our daily movement routines delivered to your phone.
Themes of the Month for monthly educational strategies on improving Sleep, Nutrition, Movement, Mindset, Breathing and Getting off the Grid.
Warmups and Cooldowns for all other life activities.
All access to our Movement Improvement Everyday video library.
Over 40 Spears Strong designed progressive training videos delivered to you directly to your phone or device.
Expert cuing for body awareness and easy to follow.
Put your timer, counting, thinking away. All of that’s taken care of for you.
1x/week $459 (every 5 weeks)
2x/week $841.50 (every 5 weeks)
3x/week $1,224 (every 5 weeks)
Have a buddy who you want to do this with? We offer the Training Process as Partner Training too!
1/week $330 each person (every 5 weeks)
2/week $605 each person (every 5 weeks)
Feeling good session to session and day to day making your relationship to fitness sustainable and achievable.
As most workout programs focus on intensity, length, and drastic change, you can be left feeling overwhelmed and overworked and prone to fall off course and hurting within a few months. When your fitness routines make you feel good in the moment, not tortured, you’ll look forward to your next session
You are a unique individual with a commitment level and relationship to fitness that is all your own and we want to support and guide you on your terms, not ours. Rather than trying to change your whole way of life overnight, we design your Training Process to challenge you where you are presently at, taking a long view approach to your fitness journey and working on daily routines that are sustainable and supportive for a lifetime of feeling a little better everyday.
We design efficient workouts that deliver on results and forget about all the fluff.
We’ll even design easy and short routines (as little as five minutes) into your day to boost your energy, your metabolism and calorie burn, and help you feel good in the moment.
We also teach you how to recognize when your body is telling you to move and how to move it to feel better, whether because of pain, energy, or attitude. The weekly and daily support you get from your Personal Trainer and Health Coach makes your training sustainable and your life and fitness goals possible.
But here’s why it all matters: When fitness is supported and fits into your already demanding life you're more likely to stick to it. Before you know it, your consistent healthy routines are not measured in days or weeks but in months and years as you curate your fitness lifestyle over your lifetime. And that’s where the real magic happens.