Form Awareness Run (jog)
5-Week Moving Meditation in Nature
Improve your running, get into running
or just connect with your body.
Spears Strongers on a FAR in summer 2023.
Moving meditation in nature is the easiest way to describe this experience. This will be a five week series meeting Friday mornings that is led by a Spears Strong trainer who will guide you through a body awareness cycle of cues to help you connect with your body. From how your foot is connecting to the ground, what your shoulders and hands should be doing while at the same time connecting to how you are breathing. To accomplish this, we slow it way down and focus on creating muscle memory on how to disengage your foot from earth in a non ballistic way with a solid and supple posture.
This series is great for the avid runner that has recurring running injuries or are interested in mixing it up and slowing it down, someone getting back into running, and anyone else who is looking for a different way to connect with your body in nature. The series is done in complete silence except for the cues from your trainer and questions and guidance during the group warm up and cool down.
Fridays at 6-7 am, Feb. 21-March 21.
Location will be outdoors in Camas. Specific location sent when you register. *note the first workout will start 15 minutes early and end 15 minutes late to accommodate instruction/getting you started.
Includes at-home video workouts assigned by your trainer to do between sessions to recover and progress you.
Cost: $150 (no drop-ins available)
“The Form Awareness Run is harder than you would think. Not huffing and puffing hard but more mentally challenging and getting you to fully connect with your body. You learn what to think of and how to hold your body at a slowed down pace. It works your body too. Even though it’s slowed down, expect your muscles to work and get firing in the right way.”
More about the FAR
One of our mantras at Spears Strong is “Practice when it’s easy.” So what would be the easiest way to practice working on connecting with your body and breath while running? Slowing it way down and having someone guide you through a moving body awareness routine. Helping you not just connect to earth or where to pick your knee up from on your body for the next step but how to connect and engage with your upper body including your arms, hands and head to minimize the stress on your lower back, knees and feet.
But check it out, that last paragraph is actually just the floor of what you are going to get out of this five week series. Spears Strong definitely wants to give you the guidance and confidence to know when you are going out for your next run you are progressing your body with the runs after effects rather than regressing your body and getting closer to a runner’s injury as the after effects of your run.
So what could be even better than that? Moving meditation progressing from a FAR to any and every run you go for in the future. The more connected you are to your body while running or moving through nature in any manner the less connected you are to the rest of your life. Your responsibilities, your desires, your shortcomings, your hardships, your stressors.
Turning future runs into opportunities to stay connected and paying attention to how your feet are reacting when connecting to the ground, where your torso currently is compared to your ankles and hips while calculating how high you should, or shouldn’t, pick your knee up for the next step down a decline, the less opportunities you have to contemplate solutions for the current problems in your life outside of your runs. Your runs, or time in nature, becomes an opportunity for you to recharge rather than just ruminating and rummaging through the drama of a modern life.
Hopefully in a way, making running something that is done for yourself for a ‘recharging’ intrinsic way rather than a ‘have to perform at a higher level’ extrinsic way. No matter what your motivations for taking this Spears Strong FAR 5 week series, intrinsic or extrinsic, the good news is you will be stronger on both fronts whether you want to or not. Win win. And doing it in silence with a group of people intentionally moving silently through the woods, add in another win. What a unique experience, you should give it a try.