Spears Strongers Success Stories
“As an avid tennis player with high arches in my feet, I have battled tightness, soreness, and injuries in my shoulder, elbow, hips, legs, knees, calves and feet. I needed to do something different and decided to try Spears Strong a few years ago. Since then, I have vastly improved my flexibility, as well been given a toolkit to prevent and minimize tightness, soreness, and injury. I am happy to say that I now play tennis more than I ever have!” - Steven Townsend, 45”
“In 1992 I injured my left knee. Over time it would flare up but I just moved through it. I was able to function and even work out by taking Aleve. In 2012 my right leg started to have pain and I was unable to walk for any distance as my right leg had become so tight from compensating for the damaged left knee. In 2013 I had a knee replacement surgery. My new knee is great! My right leg was still very tight. I was much more mobile with the new knee, but the tight right side was still limiting my mobility.
I went to the massage therapists at my chiropractic clinic, monthly. It helped my leg and the pain for a little while, but did not last. I tried stretching, working out, chiropractic, numerous attempts to correct the leg.
I found Spears Strong in 2018. I love that Spears Strong helps me with my stretching, strength building, and massage. They gave me workout routines to do at home to help keep my leg functioning correctly. I believe it is the combination of all of these that has given my leg relief.
I did not know how painful walking was until now and it is so much easier. I can walk easier, I feel better, and get up and down from the floor easily with my grandchildren. Often, I find myself dancing in the kitchen because I am again limber and mobile. I am forever grateful to Spears Strong and their expertise!” ”
“Years ago, I was sidelined with significant IT pain and arthritis in my right knee. All hope was lost - I cried every day. Thanks to the Spears Strong training method, I’m back and better than ever. Running is a regular part of my life again and I can walk/hike miles without knee fatigue, pain or fear of re-
injury. I’m killing it. ”