Moving through Vegas - be the weirdo who feels good

Shelby Spears

Being the weird one in Las Vegas or simply standing out is not an easy task and may just be the one place where you can get away with stump jumps on a bench or crab walking down a flight of stairs in the middle of the strip with no one even blinking an eye. 

OK maybe we got a few head turns. Jonathan and I headed to Las Vegas last weekend for the IDEA World Convention and Blogfest. The massive convention brings fitness and health professionals from across the country together to learn and be inspired. While Vegas is not at all our vibe (we melted and I immediately longed for trees), we learned a lot and had some fun too! 

As we move through the fitness world -both in the physical realm and in our business- we hope to inspire and change some mindsets. Jonathan often talks about the oft used fitness motto of 1 hour of working out being just 4 percent of your day. He likes to point out that leaves 96 percent of your day likely spent training your body in a negative way, like sitting for many hours or doing repetitive motions like the typing I'm doing now. 

To offset the negative stimulus your day brings from working, sitting to eat, driving the kids from here to there, you need to take break in your day and move. And so we did, through the sweltering streets of Vegas, in our hotel room, by the pool and, of course, through the massive fitness and nutrition expo. 

Although it might feel a little silly to move in a weird way- say stork walking from the store to your car - is it better to look a little different and feel good or live with pain and nagging injuries but look 'normal'?  And, if we all get on board with being the weirdo who feels good, it just might become the norm. 

Want more motivation and ways you can move throughout the day to counteract the negative training of daily life? Join the OA, our online accountability program. Email for more information. 


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