How to Avoid Litter on a Hiking Trail: Leave No Trace

View of Mt. Hood from Powell Butte Nature Park in Portland. Photo by Jonathan Spears

View of Mt. Hood from Powell Butte Nature Park in Portland. Photo by Jonathan Spears

By Sara Stevens

We know from our recent "March Badness" tournament that Spears Strongers are no fans of "Litter on the Hiking Trail." That very annoyance in our tournament of things we find annoying (in a light-hearted, fun kind of way) made it all the way to the Elite 8.

But rather than just knowing we hate litter, it's good to know how we can prevent it and how we can promote cleaner trails so that our beautiful PNW stays as magical as it has always been. 

Standing in the middle of the the mountain finder circle at the summit of the volcano that is Powell Butte. On a clear day you can see up to 10 mountain peaks! 

Standing in the middle of the the mountain finder circle at the summit of the volcano that is Powell Butte. On a clear day you can see up to 10 mountain peaks! 

The 7 Leave No Trace Principles are a set of guidelines to follow and ensure we do just that. From the golden rule of, pack it in, pack it out, to leaving objects as you find them (rocks, flowers, plants etc..), the Leave No Trace Principles are followed by champions of trails across the country.

We think it's a good philosophy and one you can adopt and share as you venture out on your own or along on one of our Spears Strong adventures.

And while it’s important to know and be aware of all of the principles on all of your outdoor adventures, an advantage to being part of a Spears Strong adventure is that some of these are taken care of for you - from planning the location and route, to providing snacks, gear lists and preparation guidelines.

Read about the 7 Leave No Trace principles  and join us on the next hike to enjoy the beauty and put those principles into action. 

Hike with Spears Strong this weekend, Saturday, April 15, at Powell Butte Nature Park in Portland. Find out more and sign up here


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