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Hike up Angel's Rest or a place with a view

View heading up Angel’s Rest. This was a couple years ago and you can see the burn damage from the 2017 gorge fires. It’s stunning and really cool to see nature spring back - probably more growth out there now!

Ready for a challenge? Head up Angel’s Rest on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge! This is a 4.5 mile out and back. Like all hikes in the gorge it is steep up and down (out and back). If you’re not in the area or not up for this lung-busting climb, pick a hike with a view that suits you!

Angel’s Rest trail details:

Hiking in the Columbia River Gorge

While the Columbia River Gorge is gorgeous and exciting, it is wilderness and we encourage you to think: “safety first.” Be aware at all times. Leave the headphones at home and use the opportunity to connect with friends and nature! Weather can also be unpredictable in the gorge so be sure to check the forecast first- especially being winter you can hit snow at the top of Angel’s Rest.. We suggest taking a buddy but if you go alone be sure to let a family member or friend know what time you’re going and when you expect to be back!

Be sure to bring water, food, extra layers and anything else you’ll need for a gorge hike. If you’re not sure about this one, talk to your coach or trainer first!

Field Trip Challenge explained

Each month we feature a run/walk or hike/trail run for you to take on as a challenge. Test your training and use this as motivation to get outside, one of our core Spears Strong principles. Be sure to warmup before and cool down after. We suggest: Warmup: Mode Switch Boost and Cool Down: Mode Switch Decompress but whatever your coach or trainer has assigned you is also great! Send in your photo or video proof that you took on our challenge and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a Spears Strong t-shirt!! Drawings will be held every three months: June, September, December, March.

December 1

Be Festive and Active!

March 1

Shamrock Run or Walk: Wear Green while you get outside