Get grounded in nature by hiking, running or sticking your feet in the water for this month’s Field Trip Challenge. We’re drawing a t-shirt winner in August and this will be our final Field Trip Challenge!! Stay tuned for Spears Stronger Socials starting in August.
Submit your Field Trip photos to to be entered to win! Virtual clients find any hike or run or grounding near water in your area and submit your photo.
Stick your toes into the sand, grass or water at Cottonwood Beach for some beneficial grounding! Submit your photo to
Cottonwood Beach Walk on the beach or stick your toes in the sand in water at our local beach in Washougal! This is a great place to do some grounding. Aim for 20 minutes of direct skin to sand or water contact. Do some breathing, listen to the water, simply relax and let go!
Spears Strong Field Trip Challenges explained
Each month we feature a run/walk or hike/trail run for you to take on as a challenge. Test your training and use this as motivation to get outside, one of our core Spears Strong principles. Be sure to warmup before and cool down after. We suggest: Warmup: Mode Switch Boost and Cool Down: Mode Switch Decompress but whatever your coach or trainer has assigned you is also great! Send in your photo or video proof that you took on our challenge and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a Spears Strong t-shirt!! Drawings will be held every three months: June, September, December, March