Workouts Designed to Align Your Body

Coaching Designed to Align Your Life and Your Goals

Book a Consultation Today



Achieve goals that are Self-Actualizing.


Personal Training, Small Group Training, Online Training, Partner Training and more.

 You’re Unique

Your Health & Fitness Level
Your Goals
Your Schedule
Your Responsibilities


At Spears Strong we start with you one-on-one so we can get to know your particular needs,

from the way your body moves to your personal core values and goals.


Feeling disappointed, demotivated or overwhelmed when you search online for health & fitness? 

  • Feeling anxious at the thought of walking into a budget-friendly gym only to be left trying to figure out what to do with all of that equipment or decide which of those random classes will help you reach your goals. 

  • Sick of social media influencers trying to get you to be like them: pose like a yogi goddess, lift a ton of weight, detox with a juice cleanse or buy into their latest super supplement?

  • Regretting that pandemic purchase of an exercise bike or treadmill as you have to now motivate yourself to hop on it and do the same thing again, by yourself?

  • Not into the smaller boutique fitness studios with a one-trend-fits all vibe where you have to have the right gear, outfit and either zen or competitive edge. 

  • Confused about keto, vegan, plant-based, intermittent fasting and you just want to know how to eat better and feel good? 

We would never expect you to be at any level of health and fitness before you walk in our doors. The shape you're in now is the perfect shape to get started with us. We don’t expect you to look a certain way or know the latest fitness trends because we don’t care about fitness fads. We care about what’s right for your health and fitness. We care about what you need in your life right now. Let’s craft your personal health and fitness journey so that it makes sense for you … and it lasts.